Created: 7/18/2005
Last updated: 7/19/2005
Here are pictures from the last day of Shasta. We got in line early for the traditional wide angle group shot in front of Mt. Shasta.
Early morning line for
the photo shoot.
My TT waiting for its
chance in the spotlight.
Because I don't have a wide angle lens, we took the best shots possible.
A Kodak moment.
I like this picture
because you can see the reflection of the Datsun emblem from the 510 next to it.
Some fun with camera angles when we pulled over off the freeway on the drive home.
When does one ever get
to park 2 TTs in the same garage.
Well, all in all, Shasta was another success. Special thanks goes out to Dennis and Peggy for their tireless efforts to make this another one to remember. Thanks also to the countless volunteers, course workers, runners, etc for their help in making this another event to remember. Also, special thanks to the following people in helping with my picture whoring. Lynette, Salah, and Mark helped snap pictures whenever I was out on the track, on the autocross course, and whenever I was busy doing some other event. Thanks to Peggy also for taking my Digicam and snapping the group photo pictures for me from the top of her RV. Hopefully, for those of you that did not make it out to Shasta this year or have never made it out, you'll realize that this was a blast and you'll make an attempt to go next year. If you were wondering what equipment I was using.... I used a Nikon D70 with an AF-S Nikkor 18-70 mm 1:3.6-4.5G ED lens for normal pictures and an AF Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 G zoom lens for zoom shots. Until next time, this is Joe the pic whore signing out. Peace, love, and hair grease.